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I am assuming the confession came after you were married. It hurts,... it hurts to be betrayed and lied to and made a fool of. That kind of pain and distrust will take years to heal from. I had never trusted a man in all my life until I met my husband and for some reason, I loved him so wholly and completely that I also trusted him. He did not have sex with someone else. He thought he fell in love with them. That hurt. The body you can control, the heart is a whole different story. I was horrified. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. But I Loved him more than I hated him for hurting me. The only thing that allowed me to trust him again was we started church together, and he devoted his heart and life to God, and to me and our kids. That has given me the trust and security that I was looking for, and has helped take away the painful memories. Good luck... I hope everything works out so that you can be happy.

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Q: If your spouse confessed to cheating on you before you got married how would you deal with the inner conflict now and in the future?
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