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It is an act of control and disrespect for your personal boundaries and, as such, yes, it is abusive.

It all depends on the situation. If you are really angry or have been drinking then he should take the keys. If he is abusive verbally and you just want to get away from him, yes it is a form of abuse if he tries to control you in this manner. Have a 2nd set of keys made for the car and use them if you have to get away from him.

In short yes it is a form of mental/emotional abuse. However, why is he doing it, are you sure you are not verbally/mentally/emotionally abusing him first, I mean 'why does he get mad in the first place'? I'm not taking sides here with your husband but I am tyring to look at it from a man's perspective. You have to be sure you are not the initial problem, if you can be certain that you are not then he has problems. I think you need to read a lot of the FAQs on this site and try to build a mental picture of how you, yourself act in his company, above all you have to stay calm and collected when talking to an abuser, do not give them an opportunity to 'jump' at you with abusive comments or any other form of abuse. You might want to study a communication concept known as 'Tranactional Analysis'. Once you get into it it is really very easy and it allows you to talk to people in a way that will avoid confrontation and abusers will get confused because they don't understand the feedback signals from you because of the way you present them. It allows you to be seen by them as being unconquerable.

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The above is a terrible form of gaslighting the victim. 

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Q: If your husband takes the car keys from you when he gets mad at you is this abuse?
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