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Q: If your friend ignores you at school but is all over you when you are over for his sister is he playing you or does he like you even though he is all over other girls at school?
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If you still like your best friend then try to get her back or let her go with your sister if that's what your friend wants. Or mabey your friend could be friends with your sister and best friends with you.

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The possessive form is my sister's friend.

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Just accept it. He is probably telling you the truth.

What do you do if your friend is dating your sister?

Nothing. Your friend is dtill your friend and your sister is still your sister. They'll probably break up anyway.

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'Your sister and friend' is 'Do dheirfiúr agus do chara'.

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there is no sister school

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Your sister's husband's sister is your sister's sister-in-law. The only way her son could be related to your sister's friend's son is if your sister's friend, or the friend's spouse, is related to your sister's sister-in-law or to the sister-in-law's husband. In other words, without knowing more about the relationships of the people involved, the question cannot be answered.

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talk to your friend and tell him whats going on instead of going behind his back it will only get messy if you don't talk to him. Friends don't let Friend's, date their sister...

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yes, she did,she was my sister's best friend

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dont hang out with sister and keep away from friend

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Griffin is Ashley's ( Amy's little sister) new best friend in high school. :D

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phone a friend. call a teacher, call the school, call your mom/dad/sister/brother