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Depending on how much time passed before it said postive I would say no. Just take another test to see for sure.

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Q: If you take a pregnancy test and it's negative then a couple hours later you look at it and it's positive does it mean you could be pregnant?
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The signs of pregnancy on NuvaRing are positive pregnancy test and missed periods. Take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.

What does it mean if the pregnancy test result is positive but after a couple of hours it's negative?

if it first appears as a definite positive, you are probably pregnant. This can happen after the test sits for awhile. you may want to check the expiration date!Answeryou may be pregnant but read the directions that they come with casue sometimes it says a positive should never change

I took a pregnancy test twice and it came out negative but i haven't had a period in 4 weeks am i pregnant?

If the pregnancy test came out negative, then chances are, you aren't pregnant. Pregnancy tests are very acurate. You may also be missing your period because of stress or you worrying to much about he fact of being pregnant. If you are still worried about being pregnant wait another couple of weeks, and take another pregnancy test. Hope everything turns out as planned.

What if a pregnancy test turns positive after a couple of minutes Are you pregnant?

False positives are rare, so you probably are pregnant. However, you should take another test to be sure because they can sometimes be wrong.

If you get faint positive on a home pregnancy test does that mean it is positive?

Even if it is the faintest positive line still take it as a positive and be prepared, take another test in a couple of weeks and see if it get's darker. you never know. the faintest positive line can mean you pregnant. But like i said take another one in a couple of weeks.

How long to you have to wait to know you're pregnant?

Wait until your next menstrual period. If you're late on it wait a week (minimum) & buy a pregnancy test. If results come out negative, wait a couple more days. If it says positive go to the doctor to double check. If you want to get an accurate answer as to where or not you are pregnant, test at a clinic.

Can you know if you are pregnant after 15 days of conception?

Results are not considered accurate after that amount of time has elapsed. After 10 minutes it is said to disregard all results. If you still think you could be pregnant, then take another one in 3 days preferably with your first morning urine.

You had a positive pregnancy test a couple days later had a heavy period?

If you had a positive pregnancy test then had a heavy period a couple days later, you may have had a miscarriage. If this happens, you should consult a doctor.

Is it possible to have a positive pregnancy test and a negative pregnancy test on the same day?

Yes. there are many reasons this could happen. 1) your hcg levels are highest in the morning 2) you didn't take the pregnancy test right, 3) the pregnancy test could have malfunctioned. these are just a few reasons. I would wait a couple of days and try again. Take the test first thing in the morning when you wake up, this is the easiest time for the pregnancy test to detect if you are pregnant or not.

The quotient of a negative integer and a positive integer is?

The quotient of a positive integer by a negative is always negative. Say this to yourself a couple times: "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)"

Can a blatter infection make a pregnancy test come up negative?

Well if you think you're pregnant and have already missed a couple periods go to the doctor or hospital and get antibiotics to clear up the bladder infection first then take a pregnancy test.

You are late but had a negative pregnancy test Could twins cause your hormone level to be low and cause a negative test?

hi there, from what i have read and what i know, if you were pregnant with twins your hormone levels would be higher earlier on. i have one child and i did a test two days after my missed period and it was positive straight away! i am pregnant again with my second and i did a test one day before my missed period and it came back positive (two times!!) i say wait two more days as the hcg hormone doubles every couple of days, if you are pregnant it should show up then. good luck and i hope it is positive!!