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Q: If you say you want to punch someone to a different person is that a threat?
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If you hit pinch or punch someone will you the person get cancer?

no but i hope you do.

What should you do if someone pokes you in the eye really hard?

Punch the person in the face

The person who you love kissed someone what should you do?

Break up. immediately. if i was u, i would punch that person.

Why do people call Volkswagen bugs 'punch buggys'?

"punch buggys" has been going on for a long time. all it is, is whenever someone see's a volkwagon bug then punch the person they're with and say: "punch buggy, no punch back" :) i used to do it all the time!

What should you do when someone gets punched?

just make sure the person who got punched is ok . then punch the person who did it .... :) tbh

Who has the stronger punch pacquiao or cotto?

Pacquiao has a stronger punch but Cotto has a counter punch that is a threat to Pacquiao. we will witness who plays better in the ring tomorrow night.

What is a slugger a nickname for?

Depending on what the context is there will be different meanings. In baseball, slugger means someone who hits a lot of home runs. It may also mean that the person can punch really hard.

What is the best way to punch someone's stomach?

The very best way to punch someone in the stomach is to form a fist and thrust at the person's solar plex. This area is located near to top of the abs and is a bit tender.

How do you knock someone older than you out in 1 punch?

You knock someone out in one punch if you punch them with your knuckles in the side of the chin hard.

What is a sucker punch?

It's a very small hit on the person that you sucker punch. They're also informed when you do this, hf.

What is a soccer punch?

A sucker punch is when you punch someone who is unprepared and unaware that it's coming.

Where do you punch someone when you punch them square in the face?

Square in the face :[