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A student assistance program

A school councelor

-talk to a clergyperson

-Look in the Yellow Pages for help under "Counseling Services."

-talk to your favorite teacher

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Q: If you need relationship help where could you seek help?
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If you need relationship help and you cannot talk to your parents or guardian who could you seek help from?

A trusted teacher and A family friend - Apex

If you need relationship help and you cannot talk to your parent or guardian who could you seek help from?

A trusted teacher and A family friend - Apex

Can you have a relationship with legal separation in Georgia?

I think, you can have a relationship with legal separation in Georgia.You just need to seek the help of divorce lawyers.

What if you are a friend or witness of an abusive relationship?

seek help for your friend before it is to late. and you will regret it abuse can turn into murder be a friend seek help

Your brother needs help how can you force him to get help?

Forcing someone to seek help may not be effective and could strain your relationship. Instead, try having an open and compassionate conversation with your brother about your concerns, offer support, and suggest professional help as an option. Encourage him to make the decision to seek help on his own terms.

What can cause you to throw up all the time?

I suggest you seek medical help, or if you are in a relationship and female, you could be pregnant. But there are many other reasons. Just go to your doctor.

What do you do if you are constantly fighting with each other after a twelve year relationship?

Seek help because you have made it this far and you do not want to loose what you have worked so hard to have so seek help.

How could you tell if your friends are actually your true friends?

They trust you and you trust themYou seek their help and they seek help when you need itThey respect you and are nice

What do you do to help someone with self mutalization?

Encourage them to seek professional help. They need help so help them help themselves.

What kind of relationship have you got if your boyfriend tells you your not to do kickboxing or workout in the gym and take a job as a policewoman?

A controlling one that could become abusive. If you or someone you know is involved in a relationship in which the partner is excessively controlling, like here, seek help from a professional service.

Who are some people from whom you can seek relationship help?

A parent or guardian A support group A close family friend

Why is my partner sexually violent?

Only THEY can answer that truthfully ! If you're in a violent relationship - and you're unhappy... seek help NOW to get out !