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If you are marrying a girl from Another Country, she will not be allowed in the U.S. Unless she is legal or getting her citizenship. A person's Immigration status is immaterial in connection with the ability to marry. Marriage is a fundamental right. Now, the illegal spouse may not be legally allowed to stay in the USA, but that does not affect the validity of the marriage. The marriage is not legally binding if she is an illegal alien. It depends on where you are and the process to obtain the marriage license. You can marry her without her having a social security number, but if you want to help her with her status she must have a form of entry such as a I-94 or a stamp on her passport otherwise its going to be impossible.

A U.S. Citizen can get married to an illegal immigrant if the said illegal immigrant was duly inspected at a port of entry. As such, he/she must have a valid I-94, an entry stamp in his passport, a visa. This is just preliminary because the couple must have to subsequently prove to the U.S. Immigration that the marriage is genuine and was entered into not as a way to evade immigration regulations and laws.

Generally speaking, to qualify for citizenship, you must:

  1. Be a lawful permanent U.S. resident;
  2. Be 18 years of age or older;
  3. Be a permanent resident for not less than five years. (If a person obtained permanent residence through marriage to a U.S. citizen, they may be eligible for naturalization in three years if the couple has been married for 3 years, if the spouse was a citizen during that entire period, and if the couple are still living in marital unity);
  4. Have resided for not less than three months in the state where the petition was filed;
  5. Be physically present in the United States for at least one half of the five years (or one half of three if spouse is a citizen), with no absences longer than six months;
  6. Have resided continuously within the United States from the date the petition was filed to the time of admission to citizenship;
  7. Have been a person of good moral character for the five years of residence;
  8. Have an elementary level of reading and writing English. (Exceptions to this rule exist for persons over fifty, in the US for 20 years or more as a permanent resident; and for persons over 55 , in the US for 15 years as a permanent resident); and
  9. Have a basic knowledge of the fundamentals of U.S. government and history. (This requirement can be waived for people over 65 and have been permanent resident for 20 years.
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if you had citizenship.

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Q: If you marry a girl abroad will she gain the right to live with you in the US?
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