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yes that would be fine. theres nothing wierd about it. even if he doesnt like the flowers he will still like the fact that you got him something and he will be grateful for that. its also a good way to tell him you like him. and if you dont find a way to tell him then he may never find out. by the way your a better person than any of my past girlfriends. my past girlfreinds didnt even get me anything for valentines day, Christmas, or my birthday wen i got them stuff all the time. i once spent 30 dollars on abercrombie and fitch perfume and a week later it was still sitting in her car unopened and the card was still taped to the bag. so your doing a good thing by getting a guy something because believe it or not guys like to get gifts just as much as girls do. i hope i have helped you jordan p.s. i am getting a girl roses for valentines day and we arnt dating.

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Q: If you like a guy and your school is selling flowers would it be OK to give him one even if you're not a couple or would that just be weird?
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