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Q: If you like a girl should i slip a note in her desk saying i like her and not put my name on it?
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Should you write a note to a girl saying you like them?

If you really like this girl than you should. But if you don't really like her than you should just take it slow.

I got a text saying i like you from this girl i like. then one saying omg that wasnt me. could this girl really like me. just her friend acted on it?

It sounds like her friend got a hold of her phone and messaged you as a joke.You should talk to her about it and find out who actually did it. Maybe one of them really does like you.

What do you do when your alone with the girl you like but don't tell her you like her?

you should tell her or just move in for a kiss! just kidding! i am a girl and i would konw! be nice to her and write her a note saying how you feel.

What should an eighth grade boy text a girl he likes to say he likes her without flat out saying it Ie Dropping hints and what they should say?

Say that you like something about her like that she is pretty. That's enough to let a girl know you like her

What should you do if you think your in love with a friend who's a girl?

Be straight up with her. Tell her that you like her, or if your the shy type slowly tell her like start out saying that she looks nice today or something like that then after your comfortable saying stuff like that tell her that you like her.

There is this gorgeous girl that likes me and i like her but we don't talk that much so what should i do and how should i get her to like me more?

well first start by saying hi. If you want her to like you more you have to talk. Hope this helped!

Is chick just a girl chicken?

No its like saying a baby is just a girl.

Giving a note to a girl?

if you are giving the girl a note saying you like her DON'T DO IT most girls hate this. If you want to go out with this girl ask her to her face. This is a common mistake that guys make. If you really like this person get the balls and just ask her. But if you decide not to listen to my advice make sure the note is readable and seable secretly put it in her desk or slide it into her locker.

What is luv?

love is a sign saying "i like that boy!'' or "i like that girl!"

Choosing A School Desk ?

It may seem like choosing a school desk is easy, but it is not. Choosing a school desk can be a complicated process. Before you choose a desk, you should make a list of what is important to you in a desk. A desk is a great way to study and accomplish what you need to. What is important when you choose a desk? That depends on what you need. After you decide what you need for a desk, then you should make a list of what you want in a desk. After that, you will have a good idea of what you want your desk to look like.

How does a 12 year old girl ask a kid out who she known for year because she is new to the school but you know everything about each other?

I think age is just a number and love can be between anyone. You slide a note into his desk saying do you like me? then if he says yes sip a note saying will you go out with me. GOOD LUCK

What should you do if a tornado occurs?

you should get under something sturdy,somethig like a desk or a table