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I don't know if a year gone by can be considered a rebound, but it may have more to do with your feelings after the breakup. Rebound relationships are usually defined as dating someone while still bouncing back from losing another person. But you left your ex-husband, so chances are, a year later, you're not on the rebound anymore. But, of course, only you would know whether you were or not.

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Q: If you left your ex husband a yr ago and found a new love is it still a rebound relationship?
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well if its been a year into your relationship then he must really see something in you.And 3 months after a relationship ends its not a rebound, if it was about a week or two then yeah.Another thing and if it was a rebound he would of ended up with his ex again

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I ...if your recently getting out of a relationship or you know that your relationship is ending and you are out looking and you meet someone....then that relationship will most likely be a rebound type relationship. if you still have your ex in your heart and you have not closed that door to love then that person your dealing with will definitely be a rebound...Trust me you will never fall completely in love with him/her. But if you wait a while...stay alone....give yourself time to heal your heart and get over all the problems you had in your relationship..then the transition from old to new will run smoothly...because we all know that rebounds are just good for helping us get over somebody.....So to answer your question..."""TIME""" is the answer. Take time off after a relationship..clear your with what you have to deal with...and when your healed, move on. It's only for real after you are healed.

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she is still your sister-in-law unless you got a divorce from your husband before he died if you feel comfortble hanging out with her then you should it doesnt matter what relationship you have with her or if you are related to her if you get along with her and like her then hang out with her

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Your ex-girlfriend could be in a rebound relationship or maybe she did move on. If she is not calling or texting you anymore, it is time for you to move on also.

Your exs rebound relationship lasted two months now he says he misses you and he still cares for you a lot you think hes confused and so are you?

I think if you guys both miss each other, you should get back together.

Can you get over your ex if you still have to see him?

Yes, you just have to occupy your life with different things like dating other guys. But that also depends on how long you have been broken up because you don't need a rebound relationship.

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If you have proof they have cheated then confront your husband (he is mainly to blame because he is an adult and knows better) and tell him that he and your sister in law have a week to tell her husband or you will and if he does not break up the relationship with her then you are filing for divorce. You husband and sister in law have created a situation that has hurt you, her husband, any children they may have, but also hurt the rest family as a whole and cause two brothers to end a possibly good relationship.

What do you do if you have moved on but you still miss your ex and you have the chance to get back with them but you also love the guy you're with?

If you miss your ex then it does seem, from your question that you may not have moved on after all. If the guy your with is a rebound, your present relationship may not last. Have you had space between the relationships ?