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It's a little complex than that. Yes we all need to forgive people that hurt and betrayed us and some can't right away. They also say to forgive is what will set you free. In any case even we forgive the people that hurt us, it doesn't mean that we will forget. It's very hard to really forget no matter how long it takes it will stay with us. But for sure in time the pain will ease up little by little. So I do hope that you can because I got hurt as well by the man that I married. Good luck!!

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Q: If you have to forgive to forget and forget to feel again?
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The duration of Forgive or Forget is 2880.0 seconds.

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Forgive or Forget ended on 2000-05-25.

When was Forgive or Forget created?

Forgive or Forget was created on 1998-06-08.

Why is it hard to forgive?

Because they do not forget. Sometimes the pain and damage is still there, which is why people don't forget. But forgiveness is not for the person that has done wrong. It's for yourself. At the same time you better remember because you don't want to feel all of that hurt and pain again.

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What is the forgive and forget saying?

its good to forgive the mistake done by someone's forgetfulness........................... its to bad when you forget to forgive the small mistakes...........................

How do you say forgive and forget in French?

Forgive and forget is "pardonner et oublier" in French.

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Forgive or Forget - 1998 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

How do you gain forgiveness?

Two words. With trust. You learn t forgive and forget. But my advice, don't forget, learn from you're actions. And if you gain forgiveness, don't do it again.

Forgive and forget you forever in french?

to forgive is translated 'pardonner' in French; to forget is translated 'oublier'. 'Forgive and forget you forever' wold mean ' te pardonner et t'oublier pour toujours' in French.

Can God forget?

No, but he can forgive if you have accepted Christ as your savior and you forgive others.