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Well not necessarily. If the only thing they like about you is your hair, then you should probably break up with him.

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Q: If you dye your hair will it make guys stay?
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How old should you be to dye your hair?

You do not have to be a certain age but if you dye your hair make sure you stay with only one color.If you do not your scalp will become itchy.15

How long does hair dye stay good?

It depends on the ingredients used to make the hair dye. Mudkipz actually makes a great brand of dye that lasts for months...I'd definitely recommend it. Try asking around for it if you get the chance.

Your hair is brown how do you make it black?

You can dye it with hair products or you can bleach it

How do you make your hair blonde from brown?

You use hair dye... to dye it.

Is there dye for arm hair?

Answer:They make hair dye. Arm hair is hair. Therefore, by deductive resoning, there is dye for arm hair. Dying arm hair is popular in Cambodia and Laos

Is chlorine used in hair dye?

It causes it to fade more quickly and can make the hair dye bleed

How do different hair dye colors stay separate?

Use foil. Take the hair dye you want to use on whatever part of hair and when you get that part covered in hair dye, wrap it in foil and fold it up. Then do the same to the other part you want a different color. Make sense? Kinda suck at explaining stuff. but hope this helped :)

Can you dye or color gray hair?

Yes but only with a permanent hair colour. Any other will not stay in the hair.

Is hair dying good for hair?

It is depending on what hair dye you get. Make sure not to dye your hair to many times in a month or it may damage your hair.

Does pastel wash out of hair?

Do you mean pastel hair dye? It depends on if you use a permanent dye or a semi-permanent. Semi-permanent hair dyes will wash out and fade over time; permanent hair dyes will stay in the hair until you cut it or dye it another color.

How do you make your hair turn red?

You use hair dye.

How does hair dye stay in hair after hair cut?

Hair colour deposits into the hair follicle, it will grow out in time. It depends on how long you want you hair to be.