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  • There is some reason (other than a husband being injured in some manner where he cannot have sex) that you were not sexually involved with your husband and some reasons are: male dysfunction; depression; low libido from Diabetes, heart surgery, etc., or medications. Instead of being mature and respecting your mate and help him through his problems you walked away and had an affair. Cheating is cheap, disrespectful and selfish! If you love your husband then talk to him and get him to a doctor as there are some medications that can help your husband's libido problem. Honesty is the best policy, but in this case telling your husband you replaced him with someone else for sex would only make matters worse. Grow up! If you don't love him then divorce him and if you do love him (people should love each for more than just a sexual relationship) then get him to a doctor for a good physical and work with him to get better. You're simply taking the easy way out.
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Q: If you are not sexually involved with your husband during four years and you have an affair do you tell him?
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