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You have to sit down and write out a list of what is keeping you in Maryland. Put down pros and cons. Here are some hints:

Did he give you a chance to go with him?

Doesn't he realize you have hopes and dreams too?

If he loved you so much how could he leave you?

If you have a great job and make good money, then it's tough, but if you make an average wage you probably could do better in California.

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with this same man that gave you up to pursue his dreams?

Is there a big risk factor with him?

Do you trust him?

Before you make any big move, go visit him when you get your holidays. You want to be sure he's doing what he says he's doing and hasn't met someone else and is stringing you along.

Does he call you at least 2 - 3 times a week? If not, I wouldn't move to California.

Good luckMarcy


thanx marcy =) he thought i was gonna move with him. But i was to scared. we talk every morning and every night. and ive been there 6 times!

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Q: If you've been with your boyfriend for 3 years and he moved from MD to CA in January to pursue his dream should you leave everything here and move there if you are 23 and you love and miss each other?
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