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No. You must be at least 16 to get emancipated. In this situation you should find help through social services so that they can keep you safe.

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Q: If the mother is abusive can a 14 year old emancipate in Indiana?
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Can a 16 year old mother move out of her parents house?

No, pregnancy or parenthood does not emancipate you.

Is a 17-year-old mother considered emancipated automatically?

No. Having a child does not emancipate a person.

How can you emancipate your 18 year old in Indiana as they are no longer in school and refuse to do anything with their life?

The age of majority is 21 in Indiana. And there is no emancipation statute in Indiana. You might contact the local court and see if there is a way to do so.

Is a 16 year old mother considered emancipated in pennsylvania?

No. Parenthood does not emancipate a minor in any state of the USA.

18 year old stepson still in high school not living with parents how can I emancipate this child in Indiana?

He is no longer a minor at 18, he is an adult. He is all ready emancipated.

Can you move out if you are a 17 year old mother in Arizona?

Pregnancy does not emancipate a minor in Arizona. Until she is an adult, her parents have the responsibilty to maintain her.

Can a 17 year old move in with her boyfriend if her mother is child abusive to her?

They cannot move out legally. If she is abusive, she can apply to the court for emancipation or to be moved to foster care.

Is a 16 year old mother able to move out of her parents home?

Only with parental consent or emancipation by the court. Pregnancy or parenthood does not emancipate you in any of the US states.

Can a 17 year old move out of their parents house after the have a baby in the state of Indiana?

Having a child does not emancipate a minor (they don't gain an adult rights), so until you turn 18, your parents decide where you live.

How does an eighteen year old emancipate themselves in Louisiana?

You get a lawyer.

How does a 10 year old choose her guardian when her mother has died and her father is abusive in India?

Children don't get to choose their guardians. The court will decide.

Can a 16 year old mother be emancipated in the state of Indiana?

{| |- | Sorry, but Indiana does not have an emancipation statute. The age of majority is 18. Being a parent does not change the age requirements. |}