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Person-A is a second cousin of yours, in the closest kind of relationship that this could be.

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Fourth cousins.

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Q: If person A's grandma is your great aunt what is person A's relation to you?
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What relation are you if your great great aunt is their grandma?

2nd cousin once removed

What relation am I to my father's brother's uncle's sister?

its either your grandma or great aunt

What relation is your aunt's mother?

your grandma

What do you call your grandma's aunt?

I call my grandma's aunt, Great Aunt. Maybe that's what you call her, but she is of course your great-great-aunt.

What do you call your grandma's sister?

it is your great aunt

If a great grandmother is the aunt of a grandfather what is the relation to the person with the great grandmother?

If the great grandmother of A is the aunt of B's grandfather, then A and B are third cousins.

What relation is your granddaughter to your aunt?

You granddaughter is a great great niece of your aunt. Your aunt is your granddaughter's great great aunt.

What do you call your father's brother's daughter?

She is your aunt. This is true in most traditions. English does not distinguish between an aunt by marriage (father's brother's wife) or an aunt by blood relation (father's sister).

What relation is your aunt to your daughter?

Your aunt is your daughter's great aunt. Your daughter is your aunt's great niece.

Your aunt is what relation to your children?

Your Aunt is your children's Great Aunt.

What would your grandma's sister-in-law's be to your grandson?

Your grandmother's sister-in-law is your great aunt and your grandson's great great great aunt.

What relation to you is the daughter of your aunt and great aunt?

The daughter of your aunt is your first cousin. The daughter of your great aunt is your first cousin, once removed.