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ask him, or his friends.

just be straight forward with him any descent human being deserves that at least and if he does then your prediction was right
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Q: If he broke up with you but you think he still likes you how can you know?
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How do you know if you i dated him then broke up then dated then broke up how do you know if he still likes you?

If he keeps saying yes when you ask him out, or he asks you out.

He still likes me and he broke up with me because he didn't think I liked him but I do so how do I get him back?

make sure that you know he still likes you, and then just tell him how you feel or send him a text or note or email or SOMETHING IF YOU REALY WANT HIM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does your ex have a dream about you the same day ya'll broke up?

He probably still likes you, even though you two broke up. He still loves you. You know how hard it is, but you've got to move on.

How do you still know that a guy still likes you even when you broke up?

Its ovius,if he keeps looking at or he cums n tel u he stil luvs u.

How do you know shes still likes you when she broke up with you on that week and has conversations still on the phone three days later still?

she is probably missing you and is to embrassed to say she wants to get back with you.

What to do if you love a guy and he broke up with you and you want him still and you don't know if he likes you?

If a guy broke up with you it probably means he doesnt like you anymore but talk to his friends if he brings you up (not in a derogitory sense of course) it means he is still thinking of you

What do you do when your best friend that you have dated before but then broke up but you still know he still like likes you but he won't admit it and you like like him too?

If you still like him dont hide your feelings from him, specially if he is not hiding his feelings from you! and i already did that he was to shy to admit he likes me back. -renessmee_cullen

What do you do if you like this girl and asked her out and she said no how do you know if she still likes you?

Well I think she made it clear that she doesn't like you.

What if you like a boy and you know he likes you but he always plays with other girls even though you know he still likes you?

you know a boy likes you but he was flirting with anther gril because he want to make you jealous and make you think that he does not like you know what you could do to make him tell you the truth you go ask if he likes you or not

How do you know for sure if a guy likes you or still has feelings for u if you dated once but broke up and stayed friends?

Well, in my experience, a guy who still likes you even after you've established a friendship, usually, they tend to still do the same things that they did before when the relationship was still in play. Not the major things, but the moderate piddly stuff, like pet names and little nice things that he used to do. Typically they try to get you to remember or think about when the relationship was in play.

How do you know if a girl who broke up with you still likes you?

Body language is the main things which tell most of the things. If she shows signs of submissiveness and closeness she might still be into you. If she contacts you more often she might still be into you.