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Money for what? You inherit your adoptive parents not your birth parents.

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Q: If both your birth parents died can you get money from the government if you were adopted?
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Can you apply for money from social services for being adopted?

no... your adoptive parents should receive some money for benefits but YOU personally aren't entitled to any :)

What happens if parents die and owe money to the government but the estate has no money?

The government is not going to get their money. They will have to be satisfied that there are no assets in the estate and that no one else got paid.

When your parent die are you entitled to money from the government?

You are not necessarily entitled to money from the government, but you are entitled to the amount of life insurance that you parent or parents are insured for.

Where to find money for college?

parents government even mr cowen.

How can you find your sealed adoption records to find your biological parents?

I have collected many stories of my birth parents. they are both not alive, that is of the reason I was adopted by a family that is not related to my birth parents. I want closure about all of this. It is a tragic way both my parents and all the siblings born the same moment I was born. My adoptive mother told me that she is not my mother. My adoptive father gave me hints and told me to use them to find where I belong.... My story is of many grievance's and of a lot of other peoples resentments and discrimination's since the end of the second world war and of cause during Ike. It is a lot of years now and I am a parent of adult children. I have no money to find my answers of my being adopted, but I do have an interesting story of how much I am living through due to the predators of my being a foundling that was adopted. So you see it is extremely important for me to find the papers of this. YOU can e-mail your questions and replys to: How do I find and open to me the closed files and records of my birth parents an who they really are along with my adoption records. I have my birth certificate from my adoptive parents with their family name of marriage.

What is the difference between adoption and foster care?

Foster care is a situation where children are treated and cared for as a member of a family but they are legally a ward of the state and may retain a connection with their birth parents. Adoption means that you take on the name of and become a legal child to the people that have adopted you.

Which group would most likely Lobby. The government for money for college?

Young people and their parents

Which group would most likely lobby the government for money for college?

Young people and their parents

Why was balotelli adopted by Italians?

(this is a real story because balotelli's mum told me)balotelli when he was 3 years old he had sromach deases and his parents did not have enogouh money to do the operation so they ask their italian friend if they could help them the gave them the money but they took balotelli from his parents

Which group would most likely lobby the gobernment for money for college?

Young people and their parents would likely lobby the government for money for college.

Can kids get money if they were adopted out there real dad is Indian but he signed his rights over and a nother person adopted them that is not Indian at all and pd child support?

An adopted child has not right to the biological parents belongings or anything from that family. They belong to the adoptive family and can only inherit them unless the biological parent put them in his will.

Why does my mom get money each month from the government for me being adopted Why did she get money from them when I was her foster kid?

When you were still a foster child the biological parents are still obligated to pay for your expenses. Many people have many foster children because they want to and because there is a need but that does not mean they would otherwise afford to have them all so they have to get their expenses paid. If you are adopted now there are financial assistance the parents can get when they adopt a foster child. This is because otherwise they would still look for a family for you if your mom could not afford to adopt you since when you adopt a child you are usually not getting a anything. This assistance is there to help children who are in good families to stay there - permanently.