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  • Women of any age should not date married men! Respectful women have a code where they do not cheat withsomeones boyfriend or husband and that code has never stopped, but obviously some people choose to ignore it. Some men can get to a certain age and want to regain their youth and basically test the fact a younger woman or another woman would be interested in them. This is a phase some men can go through and even though he is cheating it does not mean he will leave his wife for you. In most cases when a man has a mistress (he see her on the side) the percentages are very low that the man will divorce his wife and marry his mistress. If he should get a divorce he would rather be foot loose and fancy free instead of tied down to one woman. At least this married man is honest and admits your relationship is lust (all about sex) and if you don't start having respect for yourself then you will be considered no better than a prostitute (but they get paid.) Of course he likes you as you are probably a very nice person and he's getting what he wants from you. You should consider breaking off this relationship with this married man and set out on your own and regain your self respect. Date single men and at least you will have a chance for a future. There is always that special someone out there that is meant for most individuals. Don't waste your life on a married man.
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Q: If a married man has been faithful to his wife for 18 yrs then has his first affair with you when he has told you it was lust but one time he said he liked you could it be more?
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ANSWER:Good question; but it will be a bit tricky. I never met married people who had an affair, stop the affair and go back to that person for another affair. The only married man or woman that go back to the first affair he or she had are the one that fell in love to that person. And I think that is the reality that most cheater face.

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Because you accepted & tolerated it the first time. You should not have married him knowing he cheated. If he can't be a faithful BOYFRIEND, why were you expecting him to be a faithful HUSBAND? By excusing it the first time, he was under the impression that you've forgive it again & again & again.

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Get out of the affair without delay. Anything you do in that relationship will only bring trouble. Nothing good will come from it. Why did you get into the affair in the first place? You could lose your life. Cheating and jealousy can evoke powerful emotions which can motivate the person cheated on to do things he might not normally do.

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I would suggest a little restraint in the first place.

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If a married man felt really bad about the affairs he had could he be con into having them again by his ex mistress?

Good question, could he, it will depend on how bad or if he fell in love with his mistress. It didn't matter how bad he felt for having an affair, if he really feeling guilty why didn't he stop after the first time he slept with his mistress. Could he be con by her again, he could if he loves this other woman. The funny thing about some married man who had an affair, they will tell us how bad they felt because they got caught, but were they feeling bad when they were doing it, they are not. I haven't seen a married man yet who felt bad after they first time he slept with the other woman. I have one good example that was told to me, the man that I married told me that he just can't stop after the first time he slept with his mistress when he was having an affair. He told me that it's like eating an apple, you have to bite it a few more times to see how good the rest of it.

When was First Affair created?

First Affair was created in 1960.