

Best Answer
  • It is obvious that the husband is not happy in the marriage and has not been mature enough to communicate any problems to the wife so they can be worked on together. Obviously he feels guilty and is staying because his wife begged him too. The wife mustgather all the strength she can and sit down and discuss the marriage problems openly with her husband and see if together they can't perform damage control. If he is not willing to do so it's best to let him go as he will leave eventually because he is obviously not happy. Either that or he may end up having an affair if he is not already.
  • either he will leave or she will leave him, they may both end up unhappy if they just stay in the situation if they cannot solve it, and cannot do anything about it, really
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Q: If a man tells his wife he's leaving her for another woman and doesnt because the wife begs him to stay what are the chances he will leave again?
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