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if he asked you to marry him then he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and that's love

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Q: If a guy says that he wants to marry you does that means he loves you even though he still didnt say those three words?
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Sometimes guys don't want to have so much presure and stress. Even though he won't marry it does not me he does not love you. It just means they don't want to have all this stress on them.

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It means he "loves you" for who you are ... not in the physical sense, but for what you represent in life, your values, the way you get along with other people.

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Either way he wants u to himself...if he loves and wants to marry u then that means you his and he is yours. so therefore wanting to marry you and keeping you to himself is the same thing.

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He means that he didnt want to take a bigger step. He still loves you but he just was not ready to take it to another level.

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It means that he's probably not ready or he doesn't feel like you are the " one " he pictures living the rest of his life with . Sorry :/

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What the hell not everyone loves you. Say you love Barack Obama but he don't love you. Move the f*** on it just means he doesn't feel the same way you do.

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It supposedly means Strong American, though are you sure u didnt mean torta americana, which is american pie. -_-