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It Depends. Usually it is a yes, but in a short amount of period of time they will or it will take about a year. Tell him when exactly when will he put his life togther? Make sure you get a clear exact amount of time. Maybe he is using an excuse because he isn't committed to this and he knows it.

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Q: If a guy said he cares about you and loves you but he doesn't want a relationship right now because he hasn't got his life together yet will he ever be ready?
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you wait a couple days if he finds some one new then he doesnt love....but if he doesnt and if he seems miserible he deffently can't live with out you! well if he's your ex who cares if he ever loved you or not cuz u arent together now.... if he was cheating on you he probobly didnt truly love you or want a real relationship

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when a person doesnt want to be in a relationship , in the right now moment but still cares for you, only the ppl within that relationship can hold the answers to this question , whilst the saying goes abscence makes the heart grow fonder,theres the saying to share is to care.... by sharing you both can decide where you want to be in the now moment and where you wish to be in the future only you can decide.

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