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Yes, he could possibly like you. The best thing to do is try to strike up a conversation with him. Some men are very shy and may show it by having a scowl on their faces or no expression at all. They are usually afraid of rejection so if you like this guy I'd talk to him and let nature takes it's course from there. Good luck Marcy Either he is interested or finds you interesting to look at. You will never know until you talk to him.

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18y ago
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14y ago

hum have you tried asking them whats on there mind, but no smile could mean psycho or bad attitude

it could mean that buit also means that he mite not know you exist

signed shnizzle D

well, it probably just means he likes you as a friend

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13y ago

depends on how the boy looks at you i guess, guys are really complicated to understand sometimes. the best way to find out is to walk up to him and ask him if he likes you or, have a friend of yours ask a friend of the guy that's looknig at you. hope i helped ;)

yh he looks away quick and sometimes stares at me we have been talking but it was a little one he was very nice but becasue every new in the school that i like him and he is very shy i gess he was to inbarrst to talk to me but now because its all carmed down he was very nice after the talk he was looking at me alot like every single day and now he is ignoring me but he is still looking at me to? is he acting cool there and does he like me?

well, it depends. usually guys try and act kool when there friends are around. are his friends nice or are they jerks? sometiems that may make him act different. I know these guys in my school and when all 3 of them are together, there really mean but apart they act nice. so he could be acting kool for his friends or he might still feel awkward when he found out you liked him. i remember i liked this guy adn my stupid friend blabbed to him about it and afetr wards he hated me. but, i don't think he hates you. i wasnt relaly friends with the guy i liedk before my friend blabbed so i guess instead of making it awkward between us, he just ahted me. i don't think the guy ur talkngi about hates you but as i said gusy are complicated.

yh there are 3 of them together and 1 of them are nice he normally kicks me or pushes me and the other one is mean to me?and do u think he does like me?

well, i can't say for sure but maybe. you might haev to wait a while to see if he ignores you more or if he talks to you. and does he act different around his friends then when hes alone?

yh i was talking to him and he was not with his freinds he was very nice wen he is with freinds he never talks to me but he used to look at me alot and he look at me alot yh alot but now he is igorying me like wen u feel it?

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10y ago

It's definitely possible. If he is shy he might like you, just because he isn't smiling doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Try talking to him first he might be afraid to approach you. Don't make him feel uncomfortable though.

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16y ago

Its a possibility

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Q: If a guy looks at you a lot but never smiles or says hi does that mean he likes you?
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