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Only the worthwhile ones. If a guy really likes you but won't admit or show it to you... why would you want to have a relationship with HIM? If you are young (a teenager) there is some "wiggle room" here. Some people (both guys and girls) are just too young to know what to do when they like someone. But the ones with brains, maturity, and real potential will find SOME way to show it. And eventually they will learn how to do it properly if they care about themselves and others. I sort of feel sorry for guys because we still live in a society where they are the ones expected to make the first move. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to approach someone who you like -- only to have them laugh at you? Guys risk just as much (maybe more) embarrassment and rejection as girls. So don't be surprised if they might take a little more time to "read" the situation before daring to make a move. Be patient for a little while. But frankly, if we're talking about an adult 18years or older -- forget it. If he likes you and won't show it... he's a loser. Count your blessings that you dodged THAT bullet and move on to someone better who will treat you well. There are plenty of fish in the sea!!!!

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Q: If a guy likes you but doesn't want to admit or show it.. will he change his mind and show his true feelings?
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