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Yes, he is trying to get your attention and have you notice him. If you like him, you should respond and smile or talk to him.

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Q: If a guy is staring at you a lot especially after he did something funny or flirts with other girls in front of you or is always trying to make you laugh does that mean he likes you?
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He is trying to make you jelous

How do you find out if a girl likes you in the 5th grade?

If you always find her staring. Or if she smothers you. If she always laughs at you (because your funny). If you see her pointing with her friends at you smiling (not because your a dork). If she acts shy around you (in some cases). If she does her best to look good or does her best to be funny or if she working to show off(not too much), And the biggest case is if she FLIRTS with you.... any exception for that:]

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The way she looks at you, if she is always staring at you or smiling at you. She says hi to you. She would probably make it that obvious. if she looks at you frequently or may not talk to you because of shyness.if she smiles at you or waves to you.also if she flirts in a shy or outrageous way

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When a guy you don't know always flirts with you what do that mean?

He has an interest in you and hopes you like him back.

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He probably likes you and is trying to make you jealous by flirting with your friends

When a guy flirts with your friends?

you have to try to put them together or else something bad will happen

What does a guy do if he flirts?

A guy could play with your hair...maybe always interrupt in a conversation to say something funny... or even try and get your attention.He could insult you, play hard-to-get, talks to your girl friends

If a guy flirts with you He's a year older and he is always around other girls Theyre just friends He ignores you except during 1st period which is the only class you share Does he mean something?

no absolutely not

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when he flirts and always wants to be around you -pretty in punk

Does Tom Kaulitz women?

Yes more then anything I would say. He always talk about them and flirts.