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It could be anything. There is absolutely no way to know until he tells you.

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Q: If a guy has something to tell you what would it be?
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If a guy is young, there usual response would be wanting to hang out with you or teasing you about something. They will like to be with you.

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Tell him to join you in something and just tell him its not a date

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tell him that you would never do something so heartbreaking to him.

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Maybe you are uptight? This isn't something that WikiAnswers can tell you. You should probably ask the guy.

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Well if ur a girl it would be smart to be on the pill or something and tell the guy Dont Be silly and wrap your willie

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Do something that you know he would hate or tell him to bug off, usually they realize it's hopeless, give up.

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Tell her...if she was really ur best friend she would understand and try to fix something out <3

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It means that only you would say something like that. By the way he said it you can tell if it was a compliment (you're unique) or an insult (you are the only person who would say something as weird as that)

How can you tell a guy that I like you?

Honesty is the best policy. If you can't tell him directly, compliment something he does. thanks

How do you tell a guy that you like him but not panicking him?

I would ask a friend to tell him for me :)

What should i tell my friend that says me and a guy would make a cute couple but i don't like him?

Tell your friend that you don't like the guy. If the guy is a friend of your friend, you can phrase it a little more delicately, something like "He's not my type, but thanks for thinking of me."