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There's a lot of ways and meaning when a man follows a woman. It could be that he likes you and can't find the nerve to talk to you. It could be that this man just want to make sure that you will be safe going to a parking lot. But the worst scenario will be that he is stalking you, so I could tell you to be aware and be very careful.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It means nothing, maybe this guy is following you because he wanted to meet you but don't have enough courage to be close to you. Or maybe this guy is following you to make sure that you will be safe, just like having a guardian angel. But if this guy don't stop, come to him and ask him what you can do and why his been following you. Just be very careful..

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10y ago

HE HAS A CRUSH ON YOUR OPEN YOUR EYES. I know because a boy at my school kept on following me. Well the first thing i did is I went and asked him "why are you following me?" he said "I have a crush on you, will you go out with me" my answer was yes. Now we've been going out for 2 months. SO DON'T BE A SCARED. ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD ASK HIM NOW!

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12y ago

Ok if your crush follows you it's definitley weird, and probably something's up like he either likes you or is definitely interested in you in some way. For example my crush followed my into the library when I know he has math that period in school and he walked around the library staring at me as he walked... weird lol :)

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12y ago

She must like you, or maybe she's just tryna wind you up?

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Q: If a guy follows you does he like you?
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