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12y ago

There are two possible reasons why he is blushing :)

A) He likes you, and blushes cause he knows you feel the same way! but he is to shy to ask you out or doesnt know what to do- so why not make the first move?

*I think its wonderful if a girl asks a guy out ), I know the old fashion way (boy asks girl) was way easier on the girl but these days the guy is just as nervous as the girl when it comes to putting them selves out there and asking the other out.

If you both are to nervous to ask each-other out why not try good old flirting ;)

*It would be a good idea to "flirt" - get to know him better before you put yourself out there- see how he responds when you touch him (NOT DODDGY!) like on the arm - is there a connection? does he smile, or stare at you weirdly - just follow your instincts! they can be spot on! :D

B) He may be blushing because its a one way street (aka he doesn't return the feelings) and no longer knows the best way to act around you anymore as he doesn't want to lead you on.

I hope this helps X , and fingers cross its A) :D

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