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Well if aguy 16 years old asks you out it is because he is interested in you. He probably knows better to have sex at a young age


*cough cough* Um, sorry. I'll answer, but just a moment while I refute the above answer: How many 16 year old guys do you actually know? 16 is the pinnacle of raging hormones and immaturity, doesn't matter what gender they are, most teenagers want to have sex despite their being too young.

However, person who asked the question, if you're one of the lovely few who don't congratulations. Seriously, don't ever give in to the stereotypical role of a sex-crazed teenager.

Okay, so now to your question. It depends on what the guy is like. But he is most probably interested in you. Most teenage guys are not players and while a lot of them do have sex on their minds, most are generally nice and genuinely interested in the girls they want to date. However be warned. This is not a certainty (again, it depends on the guy who asked you out) but sex might come up later if your relationship lasts to that point. Most people see sex as a casual aspect of a relationship. But he is most probably interested in you, so don't worry.

Hope it works out well,


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Q: If a guy asks you out does it mean he is interested in you or that he just wants sex if you are 15 and he 16?
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