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I'm a guy, and I'm pretty shy. I think it's safe to say that I act completely differently out of school than in school, and differently around my friends than in class or at school. In order to answer your question though, just seeing the guy outside of school allows them to act like themselves, without the stress of worrying what teachers and other kids would say. Just don't worry about it, if he likes you, he'll let you know.

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Q: If a boy likes you but is just too shy to look at you how will he act around you?
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What if a boy likes you but you like him to but you don't know that he likes you?

just look at the side affects: *does he always look and smile at you when you start to look at him? *does he try to get your attention? *and most importantly, dont act strange around him when you like this guy!

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you know that someone likes you from how they act around you. If they act nervous around you when your alone it either means they like you or their shy, but if they act nervous around you when theres friends around he either likes one of your friends and is trying not to mess up in front of them, likes you, or just isn't good around people.

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sometimes, either he's not quite sure how to act around girls or he's just shy around girls he likes .

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well sometimes a guy would make fun of you to try to not make it obvious that he likes you and sometimes they will always want to be around you and last they will just act weird around you and shy.

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if he like follows you around or stares in a amazement. just act normal.

I can't tell if this guy likes me?

Well how does he act around u.If he smiles or looks at u alot then he may like u.I can give a better answer if you email me