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I'm a girl that had a friend who did the same thing too. He did make mi comfertable around him and it's true. Sometimes a girl just want to just chill with a friend. Some girls are like that. He said the same thing but belive me, even though I said I didn't think of him that way, I actually think about him every time I'm bored. So the chances that she likes you are very high. She just might be keeping it a secret. Dont' worry if she thinks your not her type. If thinks dont' work out your way then it wasn't meant to be, but keep in mind that she is not the only girl in this world. Hopes this helps. I'm also a girl that had a friend like that too. He made me feel really comfortable and open to him. He told me everything that he knew like who he liked and stuff like that! When he told me I was shocked and very ok with it and when I told him I don't feel the same way he was just my friend again! That girl probaly likes u a ton but girls don't just come clean with their feelings! So never loose hope! Hope this helps you!

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Q: I told this girl how you felt about her she responded that she didnt feel the exact same way but I was the only boy she is comfortable around and it wasnt the right time is there hope for me still?
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