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If you like a guy that just moved away, you have to let him know how you feel. Reach out to him via phone, email or even Facebook. You never know what might happen until you take that first step. He might just end up coming back for you!

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Q: I like a guy who just moved away What do I do?
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You like a guy who moved away and you know that he used to like you but after he moved away he got a girlfriend and he thinks you like another guy and you really hate that guy HELP?

If i were u i would just tell this gut how u feel,i know it may seem hard at first but u will feel better to just get it of ur chest....Tell him u dont like this other guy that u like him and see how it goes from there....Hope this helps!

I just just moved and back home i had a boyfriend and i miss him but I like this other guy now how do i say its over?

if u moved away from him just say its too hard for a long distance relationship

How do you get a guy to fall in love with you after he broke up with you cause he moved a hundred miles away?

if the guy really liked you he wouldn't broke up with you even if he moved far away but you cant make a guy like you back move on

What do you do if you dont want them to go out with a guy that just moved back?

say that the guy has lice and chicken pox or tell her u like her

What if a guy always talks to you?

If you no him just ask him do you like me and if he say no. and say I like you and walk away

What if you asked the guy you like out and he said no?

Just tell him that you were kidding and walk away.

What happens when you touch a guy that you like then he walks away?

Nothing - he just walked away don't read into everything.

What do you do when you like a guy and date few times then break up for good then he moves away and you havent talked to him for a while because things were awkward but you cant stop thinkin of him?

maybe you should just try and move on. obviously it wont work because he moved away

You like amer but he moved what do you do?

I would phone him or email him, but just stay in touch. If you stop liking him, get a new guy/girl.

There is a guy you have liked forever and you thought he liked you but then you moved away and he got a girlfriend?

get on with your life

What Happens when you like a guy but he is moving away?

You just have to let him go. You will be sad a while, but okay.

Would a guy like it if i just walked up behind him and moved my hand half way down his arm he's my friend?

He doesn't like you he just does that to get his freinds to think he is cool.