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So where is her biological dad? Maybe she's just happy to have a dad and be in a family. It's not easy to share parents if you've never done it before and especially after a divorce. They say it takes about 2 years before you become a family.

Now I don't know how big the age difference is between you two and there is always a certain age when you don't get along but that changes as you get older. If there are specific things she do like going into your room and take your things without asking etc, take it up with your parents and demand some rules. That is your right.

Talk to your dad if he can't set aside a day just for the two of you and he can do the same for your sister. Maybe she's afraid he will leave too. She's only nine. And siblings are annoying, anyone will tell you that. If this is because the two of you don't really know each other you can also take a day when you do something just the two of you. If the parents aren't there there wont be any pressure or competition from that.

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Q: I have a step sister and we don't get along at all . She is nine. I want to be able to get along but she does so many little things that annoy me and get me upset. Like she always hugs my dad?
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