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There is nothing you can do but wait. Often teen relationships don't last forever. If you interfere now he will lose respect for you and it could well cost you any chance of having a relationship possibly with him in the future.

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move on. Say you like someone else and if he shows jealousy then make sure you make it clear you like someone else then you will be unavailable and that will make him/her like you

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Q: I have a crush on a boy and he knows I like him but he has a girlfriend or a crush on someone else and we are just friends how to make him like me?
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If you tell your friend then she would say ( WHAT ) If you don't tell your friend and your date knows that your friend have a crush on him, he might tell your friend that he has a girlfriend already.

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Yes it's possible. There is only reason he knows he shouldn't and that's if he already has a girlfriend or he's married.

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You have a crush on an older guy.He probably already knows that you like him, but is more interested in girls (or boys) his own age.

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