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Talk about yourself a bit first. Then let her warm to you and put her trust in you. The key is to be patient, and to remember that shy people are misunderstood. Don't get annoyed if she doesn't open up right away, as this will only make her feel more uncomfortable. ---- That's good advice. Gentle warmth will be much more effective than a crowbar.

Another suggestion is to take the spotlight off personal revelations and put it on a more neutral-seeming subject. If you know anything about her interests, start there. She can't talk about things she likes (or dislikes) without showing something of herself, but it's a lot less stressful than exchanging autobiographies.

Even just going to the zoo and talking about the animals, or discovering a book you've both read or a teacher you've both had (or music you both like), is some kind of common ground.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

ok u got to make her feel comfy wit u. she musnt b intimadated and just talk to her and things will start flowing. just make her know u will always listen.

If she's somewhat quiet, show her an obvious sign you like her. They like it when the guys make the first move. Just sit and talk. Let her do most of the talking to get her to open up to you a little. Try to subtlely look at her for a while. But make it so she can see you, but you don't know. Make sence? This shows her your into her. So far, You have expressed that you like her personality and the way she looks. Now on to you. Tell her about you. Tell her what you like. She might try to adapt herself to that, so pretend to notice, but don't say anything. I know this is confusing, but I'm a girl, and writing this showed me how complicated girls really are. Like if a boy does whatever you just punch him in the arm, right?

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Q: I can't get a girl to talk about herself. How do I get a shy girl to open up?
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