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be a hooker, guys like that

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Q: I am fourteen and go to an all girls school I have never had a boyfriend but I am pretty sure I am ready for one what the flip do I do I know hardly any guys I don't really get out much what do I do?
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You are pretty how do you get a boyfriend?

Just be yourself. If he really digs you, he will like you for who you really are.

How do you get your boyfriend's attention when he hardly calls or comes to you.?

I wouldn't call him a boyfriend then! He should be considerate and wanna talk to you and meet you if he really loves you. What's wrong with that guy???I dont know ,He might be seeing someone else. somebody have his attentioon.

Can You are Fourteen and you really like this girl and she really likes you but neither of you are allowed to be in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship what should you do?

Wait until you are older. Your parents have the say in what you can and can't do with your life. You are legally required to obey your parents until you are at the age of emancipation, which is 18.

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Theres this girl that you really like and pretty sure likees you back but she has a boyfriend what should you do?

Back off and find someone else.

What does my boyfriend really mean when he honestly says I'm better than Megan Fox?

well i think he is saying that your very pretty

How can you get every guy in school to want to be your boyfriend?

If your easy enough it will happen, but how many does one really need. You should respect yourself more than that. If you don't, you can hardly expect anyone else to.

Is Bryan breeding really 16?

No, he is fourteen and a half.

Boyfriend telling you he really likes you?

Well yeah, if he is your boyfriend he will really like you O_o

What if your boyfriend won't say he loves you?

It depends no what your definition of 'bf' is. 'Bf' could be best friend or boyfriend. If it is your best friend, then its because he doesn't really love you. If its your boyfriend, then he's not really your boyfriend, is he? If your boyfriend doesn't say he loves you or even admits to it, he's not really your boyfriend.

How can you tell if your boyfriend really love you?

If he tells you that he loves you and if he doesn't then he's not ready for that, just give him some time and he will say it pretty soon. Good luck! :)

What do you do if a boy really likes you but you like him as a friend but not as a boyfriend?

The same thing happened to me. Then i introduced him to someone that was pretty and liked him. they fell in love, and i had no problems left. try it.