

Best Answer

People like what they like. Some people like fat girls, some people like skinny girls, some people like handicapped girls. It's just a personal preference. In the world today, pretty much everything is acceptable. As long as you don't live in a Muslim country. Don't get offended. It's the truth. hey tell me bout ur personelty, usually fat girls like fat boys , little different boys.may be u have something different in u, please tell me bout ur personalty so that i can help u alot. take care

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Q: I am a teen guy that is embarrassed and ashamed of being attracted to fat girls. Why am I different from the other guys in your school?
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Im a teen guy that's embarrassed and ashamed of being attracted to fat girls. why am i different from the other guys in my school?

there is nothing to be ashamed of, just say you like curvy girls to your friends, don't specify how curvy you really mean, x

Im a teen guy that's embarrassed and ashamed of being attracted to fat girls why are you different from the other guys in your school?

You are not different, you just have different taste. There are a lot of guys that like heavier women. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You should not be embarrassed because of your feelings. To each his own. Be proud to like what you like. You are special. There is absolutly NOTHING rong with liking larger girls, and it is NOT abnormal, you just like diffrent things and it shows that you have induviduality, and most girls (like me) will LOVE you for that!!!

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A victim of bullying often feels ashamed and/or embarrassed.

Write such incident of your school life when you had to feel embarrassed in front of your class?

There are a few different things that can happen that makes them feel embarrassed. Many school kids get embarrassed when wear something different. All people have had things to them to make them feel embarrassed.In the school like people get embarrassed about what they wear or eat.

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Why do some refuse to talk about being bullied?

They are embarrassed or ashamed, the memories are too painful, or they are afraid talking about it will invite more bullying. When you move to a new school, discussing previous bullying can set you up to be bullied. The bullies at the new school may assume that there is something wrong with you if you were bullied in the first place.

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for identification

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Being embarrassed at school

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It depends on the guy.

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There are several possibilities as to why your boyfriend does not talk to you at school. One being that he is shy and does not like to get intimate in public. I know how you feel because mine is the same, and we're in the same grade. You have to make the effort too and don't wait on him to make first move. It's hard being in same grade with all his mates and others in the year looking and watching and it makes me paranoid. but you just learn not to care. You're with him for a reason; make the most of it. Confront them about it. It could be that your boyfriends won't talk to you because they are embarrassed by you and/or ashamed to be with you. Either way, you should dump them, because you don't want to be with someone who is embarrassed by you or ashamed to be with you. It doesn't matter how nice to you he is alone, it's NOT okay for you to be their girlfriend when they treat you like that.

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It is very hard you get embarrassed and choked and hurt allot.