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I guess I was in a similar situation at your age. First of all, you know very well that's not going to happen within the next year unless a miracle happens, so don't expect it to. What you'll need to do is forget about dating for now because otherwise you'll find it very hard to make contact with girls. When you talk to a girl don't see her as someone you might date but as a person you talk to. Finally if you do think about dating, stay realistic and don't dream about what might be but instead think of what you can really do.

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Q: I am a 15 yr old boy who's never had a girlfriend mainly because i am kind of socially awkward especially with girls but i really want a girlfriend and a fine one too how do i do this?
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Probably because he is sorry and wants to make back up. Unless you dumped him in that case he wants to beg for mercy. Either way I would say yes. It might also be that, he was desperate and didn't want to seem socially awkward, so he took her. And as a plus, he might even get some.

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