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That is up to you. I wouldn't want to force my family into situations they may find uncomfortable, and I'd ask myself what he has that guys of my own ethnic group don't have. You don't have to press this issue now. You can wait until your are grown and out from under your parent's roof. Just make sure you find a guy who is a good provider, loyal, who will never abandon his family, and will take care of you, regardless of race. If you are young, you should look around some more and see. What you feel now might be passion and peer pressure rather than love.

But overall, if you really want to date him, that is up to you. Nobody can decide but you. They say love knows no boundaries, and racism is never cool.

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Q: I am Caucasian and the guy I'm talking to is African American even though some of my family is opposed to interracial dating should i go ahead and date him?
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