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Hey man,

Buck up! You are awesome!

Sure When you break up with someone it can be traumatizing, and leave you sad and heartbroken...

But life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!

So when you get lemons make lemonade!

Yeah women are beautiful, but there are a lot of beautiful women and they like guys who are happy and have confidence!

So get up, throw some cold water on your face, and go for it. You rock!!! dude, you sound like such a nice guy. you sound like you know how to look after a girl, sometimes were bitches yeah, but anyone would be lucky to have you, move on mate, you could probably get any girl you want, you sound so sweet! ________________________________________________

Dude you should super cute, you could get any girl you wanted! Cheer up!

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Q: I always get depressed after breaking up with a girl I wish that women weren't so beautiful sometimes How do I stop getting depressed because I'm controlled like a doll?
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