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You should just ignore her. But bear in mind that children do grow up, and as adults they may improve. So, although you hate your sister now, don't burn your bridges; you may want to be her friend later in life. I can tell you that I like my own sister much more now than I did 50 years ago. Also, it doesn't really matter if people don't believe you when you tell them that you hate your sister. And it doesn't do your reputation any good to have people think that you hate your own sister, you know. Even if your sister is a dreadful brat, it is not nice to hate your own sister. It shows a lack of generosity on your part. Generous people forgive others for their faults, rather than hating them.

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Q: I HATE my little sister FOR REAL I hate her what am I supposed to do to let people know that cause they're always saying you love her you're just saying that when I REALLY do hate her?
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