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DON'T! You're too young!

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Q: I'm only 12 but what if my boyfriend asks me to shag him?
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Who ciara boyfriend?

she doesn't have a boyfriend she is only 12 years old and i am nine

What do you do if you have a boyfriend who loves you but gets jealous when another guy asks u out or when you hang out wid other guys I love him too n i don say yes to those guys n I am 12 n he 13?

Ok, first of all you're 12 and shouldn't have a boyfriend. Second of all who cares if he gets jealous, that's his problem. PS. Learn how to spell: ***What do you do if you have a boyfriend who loves you but gets jealous when another guy asks you out or when you hangout with other guys? I love him too and i don't say yes to those guys. I am 12 and he is 13? Furthermore, you dump him and you wait until you're of age to actually have a bonafide boyfriend.

What is willow boyfriend name?

Singer Willow Smith is only 12 years old at this time and is not reported to have a boyfriend.

Do you girls from 12-15 prefer if your boyfriend asks to touch your breasts or do you prefer to ask him and how long should you b dating before either happens?

you dont, wait about 6 years

How do you get a 12 year old boyfriend easily?

i cant say exactly, but the person has to like you you have to like them and then you can flirt until he asks you out dont ask how i know....... i never did this, i just see this at my school

How do you a 12 year old boyfriend?

how do you what a 12 year old boyfriend snog / kiss

How do you get your best guy friend to become your boyfriend when you are only 12 and he is 13?

Dont get him anything? just talk to him..

How do you get your boyfriend to kiss you when you are only 12?

If he wanted to kiss you he would, if only you do then it puts a whole lot of pressure on him because he thinks that he might lose you.

How do you get a boyfriend if you r only 12?

If you have someone you really like, go and talk to them, spend time with them, and learn more about them.

How do i make my 12 year old boyfriend to kiss me but not tongue kissing im only 12?

tell him that you're just not ready yet...he should understand

I have hookworm I am only 12 and it's really embarrassing How can I get rid of them without telling anyone and will they harm me?

tell your boyfriend to cut them off

What was the name of the shag dog in 101 problems of Hercules And who owned it?

The hellhound guarded the gates to the underworld and had 3 heads. It was called Cerberus. His owner was the god Hades. Hercules only performed 12 labours (not 101) and the capture of Cerberus was the last.