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This is a tough question. I mean, its really up to you, whether you want to have a "girlfriend" or just be friends with her. Fourth grade is kinda early, a lot of ppl arent really ready for a normal "relationship", but if you really want to, there is no stopping you. I would'nt really advise asking her out, because in fourth grade not a lot of people are dating and it will be really akward, but if you think you are really ready go ahead. I would also think about whether you would lose her as a friend if you broke up, because if you are close enough friends before, you could find a way to maintain your friendship. But if you arent sure you would be able to keep your friendship DO NOT ask her out. I am sure you will have lots of other crushes, and if you ruin your friendship then you will regret it deeply. I asked my best friend out, adn when we broke up it was really sad because we werent friends at all. And also think about if you will still like her in a while - it will really hurt her if you break up because your crush wasnt really that deep in the first place.

hope i helped! good luck!!

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im 9 and i have a crush im in fourth grade to do i have to wait untill i get a little bit older

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Q: I'm in 4th grade and I have a crush on this girl. I don't start day-dreaming when I see her because we are good friends. I'm smart funny and sort of weird. Any suggestions?
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