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Q: How you know that there's right brained person?
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Is it true that only right brained people watch only cartoons and NOT left brained people?

There's no one who watches ONLY cartoons. You've had to have seen at least a real movie or the news or something.What is true is that right brained people are more in to the artistic side of life, and are therefore more likely to watch lots of cartoons than a left brained person.However, I know a person who's majoring in mathematics at college and he watches all sorts of anime all of the time.So I'm going to have to dub that as false.While it's more likely, it's definitely NOT true.

Why is there no more party?

I dont know but theres party right here

What school subjects are right brained students good at?

Everybody has different skills. You don't have to be good at a specific subject or subjects to be a "brained student". If you really want to learn something and be good at it you can do it, but you have to work hard for it. Working really hard is the key!!OH, sorry!! I just realized that you were talking about Right Brain vs. Left Brain.Well, in my opinion a person needs to develop both, right and left brain, even though they are better at only one of them. But I don't know much about this, so I will include a link that can help you.

How do you know when it is time to ask the big question to the one you love?

When you think about the question, pretend like you have asked it already. After see how you feel . . . there shouldn't be any doubts no wondering if theres a what if In your heart you will know :D if its the right person, you will know

Does Hawaii have any valleys?

yeah theres Cringtook and Shibsnab valleys.... i know weird names right?

How do you know the right time to kiss?

when you guys are looking in each others eyes. theres never really a right time. it just happens -jennifer

How do you know when your dealing with a stranger?

When a person ask you to get in their car or something then that is when you know right then and there that that person is not a good person.

How do you know when whelping is over i have a cocker spaniel who just had 3 puppies how do i know if she is done?

Theres a certain time you have to wait before you know that theres no more. Theres a certain time you have to wait before you know that theres no more.

How do you know when the time is right?

When you know it is the right one. And if something goes wrong you know you are the right age to holded it. And it is right with the person to do it with. love, Skittlez4eva

Where can you find a copy of the bill of right?

In Washington D.C. But theres only one left so you better know how to fight.

How do you know that it's the right person to marry?

since you ask, I think it's not the right person for u. You dont have questions when it's the right person

Is Mario relly mairied to peach?

i don't know but i do know Mario loves peach so theres a fifty percent chance that there dating i might not be right