you look under and if it has a stick that means a boy and if it has a hole that means its a girl
stick your tongue in her and taste.
stick her and she will know u like her
you know when your girl wants to be with a girl because she would check out girls and would flirt with one. that's when you know. when she starts hanging out with them
From my experience I would say if he can stick up for me and if he is sweet
If u ask her u would know.
if she looks at you all the time im a girl i would know
This greatly depends on what stick insect you have. If it is an Indian Stick Insect it is most likely female, as the males are incredibly rare and the females produce eggs without the assistance of a male.
you don't. You don't know her and she doesn't know you. She Will probably think you're a creeper (even if you're really hot) and get kinda grossed out. honey if its meant to be something will happen that will stick you together. If not, then too bad get a girl you know
Go on Flash Games Online you will find it...and probably now you know theres a True Stick Death 3, and Im a girl whos answering this!
he might be nice and polite or tease you.
i don't know but i do know that she would never be mad at you and she would always want sex.