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well him staring at you, may just be because of the fact that he knows you like him. maybe ask him out if you like him so much, but dont feel to embarrassed or hurt if he says no, cause if its not meant be... then its not meant to be! :)

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Q: How would i know if my crush likes me and he teases every girl in my class including me and i see him staring at me and he knows i like him?
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either hes trying to figure u out, or he likes u

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Atm i have a crush on you >:D but most likely

How do you tell if my crush likes me?

If your crush keeps hitting on you, flirting, or staring, DEFINITLY staring, that may be a few sign's that they like you. Also talking to you, being around you/gravitating towards you and joining into conversations that they weren't a part of-- that you started.

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Well... This is simple he has a crush on you. Now I don't know this guy of course or is asking this question. From this question though I can conclude that he has a crush on you or thinks your dating.

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He was probably wondering why you were staring at him.

Ok soi dont understand this my friend crush keeps staring at me and acts like he likes me and then he teases me and stops talking to me but i nver talk to him so what shuld i do?

If he does like you, and you never talk to him, how do you expect him to act? He doesn't know what to do next. Speak to the guy. Either be friendly or tell him to buzz off, but give him a break! Guys get confused too.

What does it mean if a girl kinda teases you but you dont really hang out?

she probably has a crush on you. that's what some boy was like to me, and finally i found out he liked me.