The purpose of an education is to prepare you for life. To enable you to cope with the vicissitudes and problems of living. It is not a practice run or rehearsal for it.
they didnt they bombed them
Copeing with unemployment is going to be hard because employment is what helps you live too get money and make a living but, you can cope I would suggest seeing a counsler.
A developing country is a country that is still not fully industrialized. Developing countries often have economic difficulties and are still trying to establish a number of industries. Developed countries are fully industrialized and can cope with many disasters on their own.
two ways by which the caribbean cope with the challenges
Either put up with it or get a different job.
well i think they move to a different place
There are many different things that Gandhi was able to cope with in his lifetime. One of the things he coped with was his arranged marriage that took place when he was only 13 years old.
The amount of anorexics in the country is a growing problem that doctors are finding difficult to cope with.
Cope (Present tense) Coped (Past tense)
Kit Cope's birth name is Kristopher Cope.
The population of The Cope is 110.