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Not very well if they have been deprived of human contact for the early years from infancy to 5-7 years old. These are the years in which the human learning curve is sharpest, and children gain their first social skills. After this age, the learning curve begins to level off, and feral children adapt with more difficulty or not at all.

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Q: How well do feral children adapt to normal life?
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What are some notable cases of feral children?

Feral children are children who have been allowed to develop with no or little human contact, or even brought up by animals. There are several famous examples of feral children in literature, such as Mowgli in the Jungle Book, and Tarzan. Real life cases have often been found to be hoaxes, many still being unproven. Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja lived with wolves from the age of 7, until he was found 12 years later. A film called Entrelobos was made about his story in 2010.

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Divorce is a complicating factor in the life of a child, but the child will adapt, and in all probability will have a normal future.

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It depends were in Africa. in south Africa most children can live a normal life.

Are there any feral animals in Missouri?

I know for a fact that there are. A feral animal is any animal that is wild. If a kitten is raised on the street and runs from people, you can almost guarantee that it is a feral or wild kitten and most likely will be for life unless it decides to let a human near it. This goes for all animals. A bear and deer are feral animals.

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It generally went on as normal until the parents died or moved out, and was then replaced by later adult and elderly home life.

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Soldiers always adapt - no matter how.

Why do humans adapt?

Humans adapt because we are living things. Two characteristics of life are reaction to stimuli and being able to adapt in certain situations. All living things adapt when it is needed.

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