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That is not true.

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Q: How true that the Latin word prayers can use to make a witchcraft in one person?
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Does witchcraft make you feel druged out and can not move or get out of bed?

There is absolutely zero scientific evidence that "witchcraft" does any thing whatsoever.

What are the social fuctions of witchcraft?

Witchcraft has many social functions. It can be used to help calm someone who is angry, make someone sad happy, or make the unlucky lucky.

How do you make witchcraft work?

u don't it's fake!

Will Bret michaels make it?

Bret has all of my prayers in my heart i now he will make it.

How did they make the name for all sports?

It either comes from the person who invented it or it should be a base/ root word from greek or latin.

Was witchcraft illegal in the 1980's?

In England, Scotland, and most of Ireland, the Witchcraft Act was repealed in 1951. It remained in place in the Republic of Northern Ireland until 1983, although it was never enacted.The Witchcraft Act was officially replaced by the Fraudulent Mediums Act 1951. This act prohibits any person from claiming to be a psychic, medium, or other spiritualist while attempting to deceive and make money. It excludes stage magic which is purely for entertainment purposes. In the USA Witchcraft is not illegal, but in Israel and Saudi Arabia laws are still in place, and punishments can be severe.

Who does Major Kovaloff blame for using witchcraft to make his nose disappear?

Madame Podtotchina

Is Narnia something like witchcraft?

Narnia is make believe from a book and not real. It's based on the Bible so I would not call it witchcraft. Fairytales is not witch craft and this is one great way to make children start top read.

What act and scene does Romeo compare Juliet's eyes to silent prayers?

He doesn't make this comparison in any scene. He compares her eyes to stars, not prayers.

How do you benefit from witchcraft?

Only people that practice witchcraft can argue that with you.I think with any religion, whichever you choose there is something that you benefit from it.Atleast you believe in something.With any religion the major benefit is self discovery. Learning about what you can handle. The kind of steel you are made of and how much you can take before you crack. No, witchcraft will not make you the next Harry Potter. What it will do is make you the next atheist.

What is a testate?

1. Having left a legally valid will at death2. A person who dies and leaves a legally valid will [Latin testari to make a will]

After parris begins to believe his daughter to be afflicted by witchcraft what is thomas putnam's advice to him?

"that he needs to make the announcement himself that he has found out his daughter is involved with witchcraft."