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  • Did you ever think that your friend feels you are a mentor to them and also may want to share in your interests? If you want head space with some of your interests then in a calm and nice way let them know that and don't do it by texting, but tell them to their face.
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Q: How to tell my friend to stop copying my interests?
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What should you do if your friend keeps copying you?

Nothing - be proud and happy as she obviously looks up to you and appreciates you - there is nothing wrong with that and she is your friend. There is something wrong with that. It is called Plagiarism. You should ask her to stop and tell her she won't be able to copy anyone in the exams so you think that she should do her own work because you don't want to her her fail. If she is copying you when it comes to dressing, hair styles and other things simply ask her to stop. Tell her you want your own style and that you think she should get one too. If she falls out with you over it then it was never a very strong friendship to begin with.

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